Sensor | Atmospheric temperature-humidity sensor, camera |
Camera | 5MP |
Connection | 3G UMTS/HSPA |
Alert | SMS ve Mobil app notification |
Data Range | 1 hour |
Battert | 3.7V 3600 mAh |
Dimensions | 100cm x 40cm x 120cm |
Weight | 5kg |
Technicial Specifications
G-TRAP is a digital pheromone trap. With the 5MP camera on the top of the trap, it takes daily trap photos and sends them to the web platform. The trap image on the platform passes through deep learning algorithms and makes the diagnosis and count of the pest. In addition, with its sensitive temperature-humidity sensor, it collects climate data from the field and uses it in pest forecast and alert models. It displays all these data such as population graph, trap count, forecast and alert on the web interface and mobile application that you can access from anywhere. It sends you an SMS and notification, including the estimation of the pest control time and the pesticides recommendation to be used. By following all these developments on your mobile application, you save money, time and energy.
Easy setup

Place Pheromone
Drop the pheromone on the sticky surface shipped with the product and place it in the trap.
Fix the device to the desired location of your orchard and turn it ON.
Notice trap images, forecasts and alerts from the web interface and mobile application.